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What will the interaction with the Parliamentary Center and the placement of material in the magazine "Complex Security of the Fatherland" give you?

The publication in the magazine of information about you and your activities contributes to the provision of specific conditions for the interaction of your enterprise with 85 regions of the Russian Federation (CIS countries), ministries and departments within the framework of the implementation of programs for socio-economic, international and interfaith development, as well as banking, financial and industrial, investment groups, which will further contribute to your positive image.

Establishing a partnership with the magazine and the Parliamentary Center "COMPLEX SECURITY OF THE FATHERLAND" will allow establishing stable interaction with banking structures and financial and industrial groups, as well as solving issues of increasing production volumes and extra-budgetary financing of projects, which, in turn, will be aimed at solving issues of economic development in general, and for the development of the company in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.


Representatives of the center pay great attention to veterans of the Great Patriotic and local wars, patriotic and spiritual education of youth.


Strategic objectives of the Parliamentary Center:

  1. Contribute to the development of state, financial, socio-economic, environmental and other relations and programs between the states of the countries of Eurasia in order to achieve a faster and more fundamental development of the continent;

  2. Unification and education of the young generation in the spirit of improving interethnic relations and the unity of peoples;

  3. Development of international dialogue and cooperation based on universal respect for the human values ​​of the peoples of the World and sovereignty;

  4. Respect for human rights, fight against poverty;

  5. Maintenance of peace and national security (prevention of crime and terrorism), development of cooperation between states;

  6. Equal rights for nations large and small, creating conditions for fairness and respect for obligations, and exercising tolerance;

  7. Socio-economic and cultural development of countries;

  8. Development of science, culture, education and sports.


For advertising and placement of material in the magazine, please contact the Editorial Board !!!

When placing materials on an area of ​​at least a full strip, a free subscription is issued for a year with delivery in the Russian Federation!

You can subscribe to the magazine with delivery by sending an application to e-mail:



Editorial Board of the Information and Analytical Journal

"Complex Security of the Fatherland"

tel .: +7 (495) 229-80-10; +7 (932) 888-44-88



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